I've been having really bad allergies for the past week. On Friday I blew my nose and TMI warning, the mucus was a little green. The term, sinus infection, immediately sprung into my mind.
A couple of years ago (I thought it was just last year until the doctor corrected me) I had a sinus infection. I didn't know it at the time until I went to the doctor. My lymph nodes were swollen and had me looking all ugly so I went in. The doctor berated me for not taking my allergy medicine daily and told me how sinus infections can turn deadly if not treated right away. Hence, my urgent need to see him this time around. I like living.
Anyway, I braced myself in prepartion for him yelling at me again for not taking my allergy medicine. But he didn't. He just asked questions about my symptoms. Okay, granted I only blew my nose that one time on Friday when it was slightly green. Well, there was one other time over the weekend when it actually looked bloody. But I didn't tell him that. And then he asked the color of my loogies (Okay, that's gross, I know. I couldn't even remember what the doctor called it, but I know he didn't say loogie. I don't even know how to spell loogie.). And I don't know why I lied, but I said mostly clear, sometimes green, even though I haven't even coughed up any loogies.
So he prescribed some medicine without even doing a swab or looking inside my mouth or anything, all going by what I told him. I was hoping for amoxicillan because that stuff tastes great. Oh, that and the fact that I already took about two tablespoons of my son's old amoxicillan the night before in hopes of curing myself faster. But he prescribed something else.
I don't know why I always feel the need to lie to my doctor or withold information. I think it's because I don't want him to yell at me or think I'm dumb. As the husband would probably tell me (and has), "Well, don't do dumb things then."
Monday, March 30, 2009
Comparing Birthday Parties
Not including our own party, Kaia and I have attended three birthday parties this year. It's funny to note the differences between each one as each party was thrown by a family of a different nationality. And yeah, be forewarned that I'm probably generalizing, but whatever.
The first party we went to was in January. It was thrown by a Mexican family. They had two huge jumpers. I think the fence was torn down purposely in their backyard between their neighbors probably because they were close friends with them or related. So it was like one big combined backyard. Anyway, there were like a million kids there, most I assume from the neighborhood...all unsupervised. I had to go in one of the jumpers once and yell at some kids. I told the husband he would have been embarrassed if he were there because I was livid and yelling so loudly. They had really yummy home cooked Mexican food. I felt a tad uncomfortable at this party since I didn't know anyone there. However, by 7pm when they still hadn't opened presents yet, I told Kaia it was time to go home. I figured this party went well into the late night.
The second party was in February, thrown by a Filipino family. Being Filipino myself, I felt most comfortable at this party even though I only knew the mom, although I did feel like an idiot since I can't actually speak Tagalog. I think most of the kids at this party were relatives. They were well-behaved and the adults would come out periodically yelling at the kids if they did something wrong. There was a jumper and activities (pinata, little kid pinata, etc.). They had a roast pig and a bunch of my favorite Filipino desserts so most of my time was spent going back and forth between the backyard and the food table. I was a happy camper.
And yesterday, we attended a party thrown by white folks. It was straight out of what you would expect to see on tv or the movies. Beautiful house. Super friendly parents. A garden-themed party for Christ's sakes! I felt so, so, so uncomfortable around the other white parents listening to them talk about little leagues and high school sports. I was so amazed to see a sea of white faces and blue eyes and blonde and brown hair surround my black-haired, brown almond-eyed child. It was like I stepped into a parenting magazine circa 1950.
But this was the cutest party ever! They had a table filled with dirt and worms so you can go examine them and pet them. Their was an aquarium filled with ladybugs. They had the kids decorate their own flower pot with glue and pretty paper/fabric, and then they gave each child a flower and had them fill up the pots with soil and take it over to the "watering station" to water them. How fuckin' cute is that! The "cake" was a huge flower pot filled with pudding and whipped cream and crushed oreos to mimic dirt and gummi worms. And they had small individual pots for each child. Kaia only ate the gummi worms and snuck a few more from the table. I, however, scarfed down everything in sight. Sandwich wraps, pb sandwiches cut into butterfly and flower shapes. Oh, well, correction - I didn't touch the broccoli or carrots they had on the table. The loot bag had a few plastic garden tools and a few packets of seeds. So, so cute.
And if I didn't want to be her, I would so hate the mom. She was tall and pretty, yet totally down to earth in her blue jeans, tie-dye shirt and tennies (and she still looked amazing!). And so friendly and welcoming...to everyone. She possesses the social graces and charm that I completely lack. But she was genuine, too! Whereas I showed up looking like a sumo-wrestler with my bangs in a ponytail away from my face because they make me want to kill myself because of my allergies. And I was going to throw on this cute fitted tee shirt, but once I had it on I saw all my rolls. Not cute. Sigh. Maybe she can be my role model.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Ah, My Good Ol' Friend, The Gym
I went to the gym today. I checked my other blog, and I hadn't been to the gym in over two months now! The gym manager greeted me and said she hadn't seen me in a while. Sigh. I used to go almost every day. She then said, "Welcome home."
The first thing I did was weigh myself. OMG! I had gained 2 pounds since I last went. And those 2 pounds put me over yet another 10 pound milestone. I was so depressed. So very depressed. Maybe that's why I sucked majorly on the treadmill.
My plan was to walk one "lap" on the treadmill, run one "lap." There's a digital light thingie on the treadmill display that looks like a lap. Each lap is a quarter mile. So I walked the first quarter of the lap and then ran the remaining 3 quarters of the lap to get warmed up. I wouldn't even call it running. Shoot, I don't even think it can be classified as jogging I was going so slow (4.5). And I didn't even think I would make that one lap! All I remember is that walk one lap, run one lap went out the window.
I wound up doing 2 miles in 30 minutes. I think I half walked, half "ran" the first mile and then just walked the second mile because I was so tired. Pathetic. Utterly pathetic. I used to run 3 miles non-stop daily once upon a time. Now I can't even run a quarter of a mile at a very slow pace non-stop.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I like my job. I really do. It's easy. It's close to home. It pays well (especially now, hehe!). And for the most part, it's relatively stress-free.
Except for times when the boss is stressed out.
Like he was about an hour ago.
At me.
I had to take a late lunch today to pick up my daughter from pre-school. I strolled back in the office an hour later all happy with my orange smoothie and chorizo burrito from Jack in the Box. The second I walked in, the receptionist frantically said to me, "Bossman wants to talk to you! He's on the phone with Officemate right now!" Shit. So I walked quickly to my office. Officemate said, "Call Bossman right now!" Shit! Shit!
He just needed some information about a check and seemed alright when we hung up. But my heart is still beating fast from the agitation. There's just something about this man that strikes the fear of Jesus in me. Since I spoke to him, I can't get back on track with my work flow. My stomach feels all icky from the chorizo burrito, which I hurriedly scarfed down since Bossman said he was going to call me back. And I have to go pee, but I'm scared he'll call back the second I leave my desk.
Come on 5 o'clock.
Except for times when the boss is stressed out.
Like he was about an hour ago.
At me.
I had to take a late lunch today to pick up my daughter from pre-school. I strolled back in the office an hour later all happy with my orange smoothie and chorizo burrito from Jack in the Box. The second I walked in, the receptionist frantically said to me, "Bossman wants to talk to you! He's on the phone with Officemate right now!" Shit. So I walked quickly to my office. Officemate said, "Call Bossman right now!" Shit! Shit!
He just needed some information about a check and seemed alright when we hung up. But my heart is still beating fast from the agitation. There's just something about this man that strikes the fear of Jesus in me. Since I spoke to him, I can't get back on track with my work flow. My stomach feels all icky from the chorizo burrito, which I hurriedly scarfed down since Bossman said he was going to call me back. And I have to go pee, but I'm scared he'll call back the second I leave my desk.
Come on 5 o'clock.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I Joined Twitter
And I'm feeling pretty pathetic, lemme tell ya what. Nobody is following me (expected), and I'm only following these 4 people:
* Demi Lovato
* Shaquille O'Neal
* Ashton Kutcher
* Britney Spears
I'm having problems navigating. I'm scared to try to make it look pretty. I'm not sure how to find people. I'm just some old person trying to understand this new technology. Now someone hand me my hearing aid and some milk of magnesia.
* Demi Lovato
* Shaquille O'Neal
* Ashton Kutcher
* Britney Spears
I'm having problems navigating. I'm scared to try to make it look pretty. I'm not sure how to find people. I'm just some old person trying to understand this new technology. Now someone hand me my hearing aid and some milk of magnesia.
Friday, March 20, 2009
This Fuck-Up Got A Raise!!!
And a pretty decent one, too! Okay, so probably everyone in the company got a raise. But the timing of it all just really makes me laugh.
I did, however, by the end of yesterday figure out those reports for the boss, who today seemed, well, somewhat pleased, at having to not spend an extra half hour with me to show me how to do them.
The sheer irony of my worrying this whole week about those reports is that that wasn't the reason why the boss was dissatisfied with my performance. Those reports, or lack thereof, didn't even bother him. He was concerned about another item that I wasn't even the cause of. I was just the trickle-down person and didn't even know there was an issue with this.
Anyway, to sum up: Woo-hoo! I got a raise!
I did, however, by the end of yesterday figure out those reports for the boss, who today seemed, well, somewhat pleased, at having to not spend an extra half hour with me to show me how to do them.
The sheer irony of my worrying this whole week about those reports is that that wasn't the reason why the boss was dissatisfied with my performance. Those reports, or lack thereof, didn't even bother him. He was concerned about another item that I wasn't even the cause of. I was just the trickle-down person and didn't even know there was an issue with this.
Anyway, to sum up: Woo-hoo! I got a raise!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Well, I had difficulty completing those reports that have been haunting me this week. So I bit the bullet and wrote an email letting Bossman know that not only am I an absent-minded slacker by not doing the reports last year, but that I'm also an idiot moron because I can't figure out how to do them now.
Being the coward that I am, I sent that email right at 5 pm, and then hurried up and shut down my computer and ran out of the office. I dreaded coming in this morning to see how he would respond. But, alas, nada. My torture would be prolonged. Waiting is the hardest part!
Anyway, he eventually did respond to my email, just saying where I could find copies of the forms (I already had them), and that we could go over them on Friday. He ended the email with "Thanks," which made me feel better. He wasn't mad! Hooray!
And then I got another email from him. The subject pretty much read, "Good Job!" I was even more thrilled! He sent it to me and my coworker. He wanted to thank us for handling as much work as we do... and it was all downhill from there. It pretty much said (in disguised words), you guys are fucking up too much so I'm going to hire someone to oversee you. Yeah, nice back-handed compliment there, Bossman.
Ah, well, you can't win 'em all.
Being the coward that I am, I sent that email right at 5 pm, and then hurried up and shut down my computer and ran out of the office. I dreaded coming in this morning to see how he would respond. But, alas, nada. My torture would be prolonged. Waiting is the hardest part!
Anyway, he eventually did respond to my email, just saying where I could find copies of the forms (I already had them), and that we could go over them on Friday. He ended the email with "Thanks," which made me feel better. He wasn't mad! Hooray!
And then I got another email from him. The subject pretty much read, "Good Job!" I was even more thrilled! He sent it to me and my coworker. He wanted to thank us for handling as much work as we do... and it was all downhill from there. It pretty much said (in disguised words), you guys are fucking up too much so I'm going to hire someone to oversee you. Yeah, nice back-handed compliment there, Bossman.
Ah, well, you can't win 'em all.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thulsa Doom
Yep, still procrastinating. Fortunately, for all you zero of my readers, you reap the benefits of my current picture, taken with my wonderful crappy cell camera.
At times I really like my bangs. And then sometimes I look in the mirror and think I look a little James Earl Jones-ish a la Conan the Barbarian, especially since I just trimmed them myself last night.

At times I really like my bangs. And then sometimes I look in the mirror and think I look a little James Earl Jones-ish a la Conan the Barbarian, especially since I just trimmed them myself last night.
It Is Now 12:10 PM And I Still Haven't Done It
Tell my boss about the non-existant Federal reports and actually complete the reports that is.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I procrastinate like nobody's business. I mean in this case I can understand my not telling the boss yet - I'm chicken shit like that. But to also put off actually doing the reports when I know I need to? If I were my mother right now I would smack myself in the back of the head.
Things I've done this morning to procrastinate:
* Checked personal emails.
* Checked slickdeals.net for any deals.
* Cancelled a credit report membership.
* Logged in to and read several forums.
* Read several celebrity gossip forums.
* Scarfed down half a can of sour cream & onion Pringles.
Ugh...if only I can force myself to complete those reports!!!
I don't know what's wrong with me. I procrastinate like nobody's business. I mean in this case I can understand my not telling the boss yet - I'm chicken shit like that. But to also put off actually doing the reports when I know I need to? If I were my mother right now I would smack myself in the back of the head.
Things I've done this morning to procrastinate:
* Checked personal emails.
* Checked slickdeals.net for any deals.
* Cancelled a credit report membership.
* Logged in to and read several forums.
* Read several celebrity gossip forums.
* Scarfed down half a can of sour cream & onion Pringles.
Ugh...if only I can force myself to complete those reports!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My Fucked Up Way Of Making Myself Feel Better
It's called CNN.
Let me elaborate. My boss sent me an email this morning asking me to get together the Federal and State Quarterly and Annual Tax reports for him to review when he comes in to the office on Friday. No problem there, Boss! Super efficient Accounting Consultant at your sevice.
So I'm getting together all my reports:
State Quarterly Reports - Check!
State Annual Reports - Check!
Federal Quarterly Reports - Oh, shit!
Federal Annual Reports - Oh, my fuckin' God - I didn't do any of the Federal reports for 2008!!!!!!!!
Now more than likely, the forms never made it to me to be filled out. However, that's not really an excuse. So, I'm sitting here with my stomach in knots. So I do what I normally do when I'm in deep shit - I turn to the news. There is nothing like real life news to put your own problems into perspective. Today's news: Actress Natasha Richardson had a ski accident and there are reports (none confirmed though) that she is brain dead. Imagine that - You take an innocent ski lesson and take an understandable tumble. You get up and laugh it off. An hour later you're in the hospital near death. How fucked up is that?
So, as shitty as my situation is, it does not compare to Natasha Richardon's nor her poor husband who is racing to be by her side. I shall try to remember this while my boss yells at me for being a fuck-up.
Let me elaborate. My boss sent me an email this morning asking me to get together the Federal and State Quarterly and Annual Tax reports for him to review when he comes in to the office on Friday. No problem there, Boss! Super efficient Accounting Consultant at your sevice.
So I'm getting together all my reports:
State Quarterly Reports - Check!
State Annual Reports - Check!
Federal Quarterly Reports - Oh, shit!
Federal Annual Reports - Oh, my fuckin' God - I didn't do any of the Federal reports for 2008!!!!!!!!
Now more than likely, the forms never made it to me to be filled out. However, that's not really an excuse. So, I'm sitting here with my stomach in knots. So I do what I normally do when I'm in deep shit - I turn to the news. There is nothing like real life news to put your own problems into perspective. Today's news: Actress Natasha Richardson had a ski accident and there are reports (none confirmed though) that she is brain dead. Imagine that - You take an innocent ski lesson and take an understandable tumble. You get up and laugh it off. An hour later you're in the hospital near death. How fucked up is that?
So, as shitty as my situation is, it does not compare to Natasha Richardon's nor her poor husband who is racing to be by her side. I shall try to remember this while my boss yells at me for being a fuck-up.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Haha, I'm A Homewrecker
Well, okay not really, but the thought made me laugh.
I work in accounts payable, which is pretty boring most of the time...until this week.
Monday - I spoke to a contractor who asked about the status of his invoice. I told him I would send an email to the site manager to try to get his approval faster. Contractor sent me the following email:
Mary - we're cheering you on - you can do it, you are the WO-man!!
Tuesday - I received approval. I sent the contractor this email:
Hi Contractor,
Site Manager approved the invoice and I received approval to process your check tomorrow. Once it’s been printed and signed, I’ll send you another email.
He replied back:
Sweet!! - this one time, since they kept it 5 days past getting it back signed to me, just this one time, can you next day it for me please once signed?
Well, there was no way I was going to overnight it so I never responded to his email.
Wednesday - I took this day off to register my daughter for kindergarten and to spend the day with her since it was her 5th birthday.
Thursday - I come back to work to find a bunch of emails from some strange name in my outlook.
03/11/09, 3:58 PM
Hi I am Contractors fiance... I saw in his email what he emaild you and i don't like it.
Can you tell me what is going on between you and him please.
03/11/09, 4:14 PM
we are geting married on end of this month.. he cheted on me befor and i don't trust him and he lies a lot as well.
I just want to know before i make a big mestak.
And then several repeated forwards of the email I sent to the contractor on Tuesday letting him know of the approval.
And then I got this one from the "contractor":
03/11/09, 5:34 PM
Hi I am getting married.
All the above have been copied directly and pasted. I only changed the names.
The fiance also called here and told the receptionist to tell me to stop flirting with her fiance.
There were just so many things wrong with this situation. First, why stay with someone who "cheted" on you and "lies a lot"? And then to not only have the nerve to send his employer (since my company does employ him) these emails, but to actually call and leave an accusatory message with the receptionist?
I was sooooooooooo tempted to play with this woman. So, so tempted. I was actually hoping that she would call me back when I was back in the office.
But anyway, the contractor called me and let me know that his fiance got into his email account and contacted ALL the females in his address book. And it didn't sound like he was planning on breaking things off with her either. I told him, "Good luck with that."
I still sit here rubbing my palms together should she actually call back.
Monday, March 9, 2009
"Nobody Likes My Bangs"
That's what I pitifully cried to the husband last night.
I had been planning since forever to get bangs (see my 101 blog). When the kids watch Alvin and the Chipmunks I always admire Claire's bangs. And then there's been a picture of Angelina Jolie floating around lately where she's sporting bangs filming her new movie. That cemented my decision and I had bangs cut at my hair appointment on Saturday.
Comments I've received so far:
Me: What do you think of my bangs?
Husband: Do you want the truth or the nice truth?
Me: Do you like my hair?
Mom: (Laughs) You got bangs, huh?
Niece: I like you better with your old hair.
Sister: You look like an old person trying to look young.
Nephew: I agree.
You gotta love family for their honesty, no matter how blunt.
My coworkers, though, have given me positve reviews. Although it could just be them being polite. One coworker, who I always envy because she's so young and pretty and skinny and trendy, told me that she really likes them. They're the in thing right now and they look good on me. And she would tell me the truth if they didn't look good. So that made me feel better. And then another coworker came in and saw them and said I looked like a high school girl (which made me think of my sister's comment.).
I had been planning since forever to get bangs (see my 101 blog). When the kids watch Alvin and the Chipmunks I always admire Claire's bangs. And then there's been a picture of Angelina Jolie floating around lately where she's sporting bangs filming her new movie. That cemented my decision and I had bangs cut at my hair appointment on Saturday.
Comments I've received so far:
Me: What do you think of my bangs?
Husband: Do you want the truth or the nice truth?
Me: Do you like my hair?
Mom: (Laughs) You got bangs, huh?
Niece: I like you better with your old hair.
Sister: You look like an old person trying to look young.
Nephew: I agree.
You gotta love family for their honesty, no matter how blunt.
My coworkers, though, have given me positve reviews. Although it could just be them being polite. One coworker, who I always envy because she's so young and pretty and skinny and trendy, told me that she really likes them. They're the in thing right now and they look good on me. And she would tell me the truth if they didn't look good. So that made me feel better. And then another coworker came in and saw them and said I looked like a high school girl (which made me think of my sister's comment.).
Friday, March 6, 2009
Planning a Princess Birthday Party
I love spoiling my kids. The husband thinks I'm going to send us into the poor house with all the crap I buy for the kids.
Kaia turns 5 on March 11th. She loves other kids, so I figured we'd throw a party for her and invite a few other kids. Easy-peasie, right?
I started making her invitations in Photoshop-Elements. I added my favorite picture of her and put in all the party details. They were so cute!

And then I realized that if this invitation fell into the wrong hands (read: random pervert), he would have my baby's picture, name and address. The horror! So I went to Party City the next day and found some invitations. They were only $1 for 8, so I bought 3 packs. Score! Kaia even got to help me by putting on the present sticker thing on them. I tried to hold my tongue and keep my hands to myself as I watched her put some of them on crooked.

Walgreens was having a special. Free 20 prints. So I printed her photo invitations there. I figured I could give those to family and close friends. And that's where the savings stopped.
The jumper rental was $179. I have been agonizing over these past few weeks because we've been getting a lot of rain. If I couldn't rent a jumper, I'd have to entertain all these kids myself. Gasp! I checked the weather forecasts every day. Most of them had called for rain on the day of the party. Thankfully, earlier this week it changed to sunny for that day. Now all I have to worry about is all the muddy feet we're going to have. I did buy a cheap game of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey just in case.

I also got a pull-string pinata.

I know I'm probably wussifying my kids, but I just don't like the idea of little kids weilding a bat and swinging around other kids.
I bought a ton of crap from Party City. It's just so convenient. There's one close to my work and I've been going there almost every day during my lunch. I've found a $10 coupon online and have used it 3 different times. I've been too embarrassed to use it again. It's always the same girl there. And when I went today to buy a candle for the cake she said, "Oh, you're back." Thank goodness, I didn't load up on more crap today to try to use the coupon yet again.
I also got this hat from ebay.

It's the cutest thing. It cracks me up seeing my daughter wear it around the house because she will put on one of her princess night gowns and her fancy pink glittery shoes. And then after 10 minutes she'll ask me to put something over the strap because it makes her ears itch.
I saw Disney Princess loot bag kits at Party City. I figured I'd get those for the girls and then Hot Wheels loot bags for the boys. But then I saw the toys inside and they were so lame. There was a "watch" that was actally a crappy game where you had to put two little balls into separate holes. I saw a non-Disney princess loot bag kit that had little play wands and rings and necklaces and got that instead. And then I got the Backyardigans loot bag kit because those came with a magnifying glass and a cool compass ring.
I also saw these adorable little play flutes (the daughter keeps telling me they look more like recorders). And I bought these Disney Princess lip gloss necklaces that were on sale at Target a few weeks ago. Hmm, maybe I do spend too much money.
I've also got a bunch of random stuff that I was going to give away as prizes if we were stuck inside and had to play games - parachute men, maracas, bracelets. I haven't decided what to do with those things yet.

I took my daughter to a coworker's birthday party last year and she had that cake. Kaia loved it at the time and asked me if we could have a cake like that for her birthday. My coworker told me she bought it at Lucky's, so I went there this week to order it. I gave a kid who was flipping through the cake binder the evil eye so he would go away. He caught on and left. Well, I flipped through the binder and didn't see the cake. I was so disappointed. They had a couple of other princess cakes, but I didn't really like them. I figured Safeway might have better ones so as I turned to make my way there, I saw the cake on display. Joy! And then I saw the price tag. $49.99. Sigh. I stood there staring at it for 5 minutes wondering what to do. Do I buy this expensive awesome looking cake? Or do I just pay half of that and get a mediocre cake? I bought the cake. I have yet to tell the husband how much it costs though.
The food and the guest list is still up in the air. Currently I have about 20 kids who I know will be there. That's a lot. At least for me. Yikes. And then about another ten that are maybe's. The husband just wanted to buy a bunch of $5 Little Caesar pizzas. He tried to sway me by saying that they came with breadsticks. At this point, I just might have to go with him.
Kaia turns 5 on March 11th. She loves other kids, so I figured we'd throw a party for her and invite a few other kids. Easy-peasie, right?
I started making her invitations in Photoshop-Elements. I added my favorite picture of her and put in all the party details. They were so cute!
And then I realized that if this invitation fell into the wrong hands (read: random pervert), he would have my baby's picture, name and address. The horror! So I went to Party City the next day and found some invitations. They were only $1 for 8, so I bought 3 packs. Score! Kaia even got to help me by putting on the present sticker thing on them. I tried to hold my tongue and keep my hands to myself as I watched her put some of them on crooked.
Walgreens was having a special. Free 20 prints. So I printed her photo invitations there. I figured I could give those to family and close friends. And that's where the savings stopped.
The jumper rental was $179. I have been agonizing over these past few weeks because we've been getting a lot of rain. If I couldn't rent a jumper, I'd have to entertain all these kids myself. Gasp! I checked the weather forecasts every day. Most of them had called for rain on the day of the party. Thankfully, earlier this week it changed to sunny for that day. Now all I have to worry about is all the muddy feet we're going to have. I did buy a cheap game of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey just in case.
I also got a pull-string pinata.
I know I'm probably wussifying my kids, but I just don't like the idea of little kids weilding a bat and swinging around other kids.
I bought a ton of crap from Party City. It's just so convenient. There's one close to my work and I've been going there almost every day during my lunch. I've found a $10 coupon online and have used it 3 different times. I've been too embarrassed to use it again. It's always the same girl there. And when I went today to buy a candle for the cake she said, "Oh, you're back." Thank goodness, I didn't load up on more crap today to try to use the coupon yet again.
I also got this hat from ebay.
It's the cutest thing. It cracks me up seeing my daughter wear it around the house because she will put on one of her princess night gowns and her fancy pink glittery shoes. And then after 10 minutes she'll ask me to put something over the strap because it makes her ears itch.
I saw Disney Princess loot bag kits at Party City. I figured I'd get those for the girls and then Hot Wheels loot bags for the boys. But then I saw the toys inside and they were so lame. There was a "watch" that was actally a crappy game where you had to put two little balls into separate holes. I saw a non-Disney princess loot bag kit that had little play wands and rings and necklaces and got that instead. And then I got the Backyardigans loot bag kit because those came with a magnifying glass and a cool compass ring.
I also saw these adorable little play flutes (the daughter keeps telling me they look more like recorders). And I bought these Disney Princess lip gloss necklaces that were on sale at Target a few weeks ago. Hmm, maybe I do spend too much money.
I've also got a bunch of random stuff that I was going to give away as prizes if we were stuck inside and had to play games - parachute men, maracas, bracelets. I haven't decided what to do with those things yet.
I took my daughter to a coworker's birthday party last year and she had that cake. Kaia loved it at the time and asked me if we could have a cake like that for her birthday. My coworker told me she bought it at Lucky's, so I went there this week to order it. I gave a kid who was flipping through the cake binder the evil eye so he would go away. He caught on and left. Well, I flipped through the binder and didn't see the cake. I was so disappointed. They had a couple of other princess cakes, but I didn't really like them. I figured Safeway might have better ones so as I turned to make my way there, I saw the cake on display. Joy! And then I saw the price tag. $49.99. Sigh. I stood there staring at it for 5 minutes wondering what to do. Do I buy this expensive awesome looking cake? Or do I just pay half of that and get a mediocre cake? I bought the cake. I have yet to tell the husband how much it costs though.
The food and the guest list is still up in the air. Currently I have about 20 kids who I know will be there. That's a lot. At least for me. Yikes. And then about another ten that are maybe's. The husband just wanted to buy a bunch of $5 Little Caesar pizzas. He tried to sway me by saying that they came with breadsticks. At this point, I just might have to go with him.
Sometimes I Forget My Kids Are Part Mexican
My daughter, Kaia, will be starting Kindergarten (kindgergarten?) this fall, well summer actually since she starts in August. I picked up a registration packet on Wednesday and began filling out the forms. I started to check no without even thinking about it where it asked if the child was Hispanic. And then I remembered that because of her daddy, she's a quarter Mexican. My kids just look so Asian that I always forget they're mixed.
When I was a kid it was so easy filling out forms. For the most part I'd check off Asian, or sometimes Filipino because for some reason, they would sometimes have that as a separate category from Asians. And I always wondered what mixed kids would check off, because most of the time the instructions read, "Check one." One time I asked a friend whose mom is white and dad is black, what she would normally check. She laughed and said she liked to confuse them and sometimes would check off white, other times black.
Anyway, I checked off Hispanic for Kaia. And then underneath was another question. Since it didn't specify for me to choose one, I then proceeded to check off Mexican, Korean and Filipino. Another page asked me to check one, but I just left that blank. I was tired.
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