Friday, March 6, 2009

Sometimes I Forget My Kids Are Part Mexican

My daughter, Kaia, will be starting Kindergarten (kindgergarten?) this fall, well summer actually since she starts in August. I picked up a registration packet on Wednesday and began filling out the forms. I started to check no without even thinking about it where it asked if the child was Hispanic. And then I remembered that because of her daddy, she's a quarter Mexican. My kids just look so Asian that I always forget they're mixed.

When I was a kid it was so easy filling out forms. For the most part I'd check off Asian, or sometimes Filipino because for some reason, they would sometimes have that as a separate category from Asians. And I always wondered what mixed kids would check off, because most of the time the instructions read, "Check one." One time I asked a friend whose mom is white and dad is black, what she would normally check. She laughed and said she liked to confuse them and sometimes would check off white, other times black.

Anyway, I checked off Hispanic for Kaia. And then underneath was another question. Since it didn't specify for me to choose one, I then proceeded to check off Mexican, Korean and Filipino. Another page asked me to check one, but I just left that blank. I was tired.

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