Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

I was going to go to the gym today during lunch after a long hiatus, but Bossman called me right before I was about to leave. Apparently he missed the only flight from Arizona to the Bay Area, and thus, asked me to FedEx him all the documents that were awaiting him. No problem. I got the package together, weighed it on the bathroom scale (because it was too heavy for our little postage scale), cringed at my weight, and was out the door to drop it off at a place that's about a 5 minute drive away. Well, that place is now a wheelchair shop. So a quick call back to work and the receptionist told me the nearest Kinkos was over by my house. (I cannot even begin to tell you how handy it is to be able to call someone who has access to internet when you need to find a place!)

So after I dropped off the package I just went home for lunch. My neighbor, Bill, was outside working on his boat. Bill is a retired Air Force guy (is there a proper name for this? Air Forcer?) who is now his yacht club's , crap, I can't remember the name, Head Mariner? Grand Poobah? something like that. Anyway, when he told me I was pretty impressed. So I went over to go chat for a minute since he's a pretty friendly guy. I asked him about his boat and he told me that they actually have 3. The one in his driveway he was working on (I think he called it a runner boat), another runner (?) boat, and a 38 foot boat. The guy is pretty amazing. And then he told me that they also have 3 kayaks and a canoe!

When I went inside my house I exclaimed to the husband, "Those old people kayak!!!" I was so impressed. That must take some amazing upper body strength. Hell, I can't even swim.

The husband had just baked a pizza and we saw down to eat it at the dining table when he said, "The window behind you was open when you said, 'Those old people kayak!' And you were pretty loud, too." Any appetite I had immediately left.

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